2017 Task List
This spreadsheet shows the tasks garden members volunteer to complete during the 2017 gardening season. Note that the sheet is divided into months, accessible through tabs at the bottom of the document. Tasks marked (WD) are to be completed on a community work day. Tasks marked (SC) are to be completed as part of Philly Spring Cleanup on April 8.
Each member who is able is asked to devote 10 hours to garden maintenance over the course of the season, in addition to attending at least two community work days. Members may opt to undertake several tasks during the same week, a single task several times, or a combination of these approaches.
To Sign Up for Tasks or Report Completion of a Task
To edit the spreadsheet (for example, to sign up for a task or to report that you have completed it), visit the source document.
Please direct questions about landscaping and maintenance tasks to maintenance@hansberrygarden.org.