Contribute to Autumn Bake Sale

Ready to show some love to Hansberry Garden & Nature Center? Need to log more volunteer hours for 2019? You can do […]

Season's Greetings

2018: A Year of Growth

As the end of 2018 approaches, Hansberry Garden has a lot of news to share! Thanks to generous gifts from our friends […]

photo: woman standing with hundreds of plants

You Made Our Plant Sale A Success

Thanks to the great outpouring of support, even though the weather didn’t want to cooperate, Hansberry Garden and Nature Center’s (HGNC) 2017 […]

screenshot of Amazon Smile page

Amazon Smile Offers Painless Contributions to HGNC

If you buy products from, you can put your shopping to work for Hansberry Garden and Nature Center by using Amazon Smile. When you use Amazon Smile, the Amazon Foundation donates 0.5 percent of the price of your purchases to the charity of your choice.