2024 Notes on Beds (sorted by Row Number)
Notes are in chronological order with the most recent entries first.
- A2: 9/12: lettuce starts, a few bok choy from WW Farms. 8/20: Planted with lettuce starts, rutabaga seeds, puntarelle seeds. Escarole and radicchio harvested and donated to City Harvest week of 6/30. New lettuce seed planted week of 6/30. planted (5/19): Escarole added, radishes mostly harvested.Three-heart lettuce, mesclun, French breakfast radishes planted 3/26
- B2: 9/12: Red napa cabbage and bok choy starts from WW Farms. (update 4/7) Red lettuce, green onions and walking onions, plus volunteer borage (update 3/24) Brassicas and walking onions that wintered over from last year
- C2: Planted lettuce starts, rutabaga seeds, hakurei turnip seeds, mustard starts, cabbage starts on 8/20. Cilantro that reseeded itself. (updated 4/16): cleared and planted with carrots and beets. (update 3/24) Contains some cilantro that has replanted itself from last year
- D2:9/17: Planted seeds: rutabaga, purple daikon, green Korean radish. Treated with Regalia 7/8. Treated with Regalia 6/24. Dill seeds planted 6/2. Update 5/28. Cucumbers and bush beans planted. (update 3/24) Collards and kale that wintered over from last year
- D3: Planted puntarelle, hakurei turnips, rutabage, 8/20. Planted narvick carrots and cavolofiore Sicialia di Violetta (purple cauliflower), scallions, 8/18.Treated with Regalia 7/8. Treated with Regalia 6/24. Cucumbers planted. (update 3/29) Fertilized and planted with broccoli rabe, spinach, hakurei turnips
- D4: Treated with Regalia 7/8. Treated with Regalia 6/24. Fertilized 6/12. Fertilized 5/29 (mid-May)Tomatoes, with marigold and basil. Varieties: Cherokee Purple (2), Brandy Boy, Blue Beech (2), Dr Wyches Yellow, Striped German, Italian Giant Beefsteak, Brad’s Atomic Grape, Sungold Cherry update 4/14: Cleared, PVC tomato trellis erected. (update 3/24) Old-Timey Blue collards and lettuce that wintered over from last year
- A5: Treated with spinosad 8/20/, 8/14, 6/29. Treated with Regalia 6/24. (5/19): Bok Choy harvested. Updated 4/21: Old Timey Blue and Green Glaze Collards, Willem’s Blauwe Groninger Kale planted. Bed is now fully planted out. Updated 4/16: bok choy planted. Updated 4/14: collards shady side, napa cabbage sunny side.
- B5: Treated with Regalia 7/8. Treated with Regalia 6/24. Fertilized 6/12. Fertilized 5/29. (5/19) Eggplants and peppers planted. Pepper varieties: Ají Dulce, Mystery pepper, Elephant ear, Pippin’s Golden Honey, Costeño Rojo, Shishito, Fish. Eggplant varieties: Listada de Gandia. Ping Tungs
- C5: Treated with Regalia 7/8. Tomatoes treated with Regalia 6/24. Fertilzed 6/12. Fertilized 5/29. (Updated 5/19): Willow-leaf lima and Christmas lima planted by trellis. Updated 4/21: Bear Creek, Goldie, Blue Bear Creek, Brandy Boy, and Paul Robeson tomatoes planted. (update 4/7)Compost added, 8 Walls o’water set up for tomatoes. Beans to be planted by trellis. (update 3/24) Cover crop
- D5: Pole beans planted 5/28. (updated 4/14): cleared. Beans to be planted here. (update 3/24) Some lettuce that wintered over and radishes
- D7: Sweet potato slips planted 6/25. Varieties: Murasaki and Nancy Hall. (update 3/24) Peas and garbanzo beans, planted March 8
- B11: Treated with Regalia 7/8. Okra and sweet-potato slips planted early June. Okra varieties: Cajun Jewel and White Velvet. Orange sweet potatoes (variety name unknown). Penn State lab determined that allium leaf mites caused the problem with garlic. Garlic pulled 6/2. Samples to be sent to Penn State Extension to detrmine what caused some bulbs to rot. (update 3/24) Garlic, planted last year, harvest expected early June, and French breakfast radishes, harvest expected by May
- C11: Treated with Regalia 7/8. Treated with Regalia 6/24. Fertilized 6/12. Fertilized 5/29.(5/19) peppers planted among favas, Varieties: Elephant ears, Ají mango, Balik, Serrano, Hungarian hot wax, Tatli üçburun, Shishito. Mustard Harvested. (update 3/24) Fava beans, planted last November, harvest expected in June, and red mustard that overwintered
- D11: Onion seeds planted 7/8. (update 3/24) Thyme, tarragon, and parsley that overwintered
- A12: Treated with Regalia 7/8. Treated with Regalia 6/24. Fertilized 6/12. Fertilized 5/29. Pepper (was supposed to be ají límo, but instead appears to be elephant ear) planted 5/19. Updated 4/21: Matina and Fiaschetto tomatoes planted. One more fiaschetto to be planted. Radish seeds planted. (updated 4/7) compost added, 6 walls o’ water set up for tomatoes. Two ají peppers to be planted here (update 3/24) Arugula that overwintered
- B12:9/12: Planted bok choy and red napa cabbage starts from WW. 9/3: Planted tatsoi seedsPlanted bok choy starts, Szechuan radish seeds, puntarelle, rutabaga, fennel starts, Koream radish seeds, 8/15. Radishes, beets, carrots (update 3/24) This bed needs maintenance and will be replaced by experimental concrete planks, probably in June. Can be planted with fast-maturing spring crops.
- C12: Shallots
- D12: Strawberries